Our Ho​pe
MBC robs families of so much, creating devastating physical, emotional and financial hardships. It is our greatest hope to continue Kady's legacy of love and kindness by providing Christmas gifts to women diagnosed with MBC and their children, allowing their families to enjoy this special day free from some of the burdens and hardships that cancer imposes on their lives at what should be the most joyous time of the year. Additionally, we provide groceries, assist with bills and other financial needs as funds allow.

Our Story
In January 2012 at the age of 28, our oldest daughter, Kady, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Breast Cancer. The next year we learned the cancer had metastasized to her liver. Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) is a fatal disease with an average life expectancy of 24-36 months. Kady only lived nine months after her MBC diagnosis. She spent her last two Christmases buying gifts for women diagnosed with Breast Cancer and their children. After her death we simply carried on with her generosity, helping women with MBC and their children.
We took our name from the promise in Isaiah 61 to give us ‘a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.’ I miss my daughter with every beat of my heart but I can honestly say that my despair has been replaced with a joyous blessing as we serve the MBC community.
Our tagline is 'Compassion, Support, Education' because the MBC community is desperate for each. Our goal is to help you gain a better understanding of MBC and hope that you'll partner with us as we serve the community in a variety of ways.
Creating a Legacy
After Kady's death we were honored with numerous inspirational stories from both friends and strangers of the many times and ways in which she reached out to others. From women living with MBC, to those who just needed a helping hand or encouraging word. For several years prior to her diagnosis, Kady participated in a local program providing Christmas​ gifts to underprivileged children. After her diagnosis, she felt led to redirect her efforts to women with Breast Cancer and their children.

"What's waiting on the other side is mine no matter what. The life I've been given and the choices I make with it is my 'climb' and the only part of me that will be remembered and last."